A must read. WHO REALLY IS A WITCH??? By Ismoh Momoh

Growing up as a kid in my little village, d talk of witches is common. Just as it common in other villages elsewhere, witches as I came to realize are old women, wretched & living in a mud hut, usually alone looking ugly with wicked face....

I held onto this image of witches until President Okechukwu  Buhari developed interest in witch-hunting,

Buhari has proven that witches are mostly male, urbane, looking fresh driving exotic cars, spend extravagantly , living in palatial mansions & permanent suites in 5-star hotels,

Witches are bizness men who collect billions of Naira in loans from banks and proceeded to live large without any plan 2 repay d loans.

Witches are state governors who pocket a large portion of their state's resources and owe civil servants for months without any thought for how those workers will provide for their families.

Witches are senators who draw more pay than their colleagues anywhere on earth, but still want to craft a life pension for their leaders, with immunity from prosecution for their criminal activities as a bonus.

Witches are army generals who shared money meant for the purchase of arms among themselves, while our soldiers were being slaughtered by insurgents. These generals bought exotic cars, built mansions, and drank the costliest champagne knowing that they were drinking the blood of young men and women under their charge. They court-martialed soldiers who dared protest their sorry state and had them sentenced to death.

Witches are men who rather than defend themselves of whatever witchery they are being accused of will claim they are being witch-hunted because they do not belong to the ruling party.

I have also learned that all witches are not equal. Little witches are those men and women struggling to make ends meet, but who will use their scarce resources to come on social Media and defend the big witches who av made their lives hell.

The snag here is that the big witches do not care about the little witches. Such is life.

If I have nothing to thank President Buhari for, I must be grateful that he has straightened me out, and has given me the real definition of who is a witch.

My last line: like the Chinese proverb, those who feel witches can't be hunted and killed should allow those doing it....

Ismoh Momoh

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