Kaduna Will Be Great Again - 335 By George Makeri

"...After numerous entreaties from different quarters in SK to govt of Kaduna State to jettison the idea of a Grazing reserve in the zone for sundry reasons, the Commissioner, Dr MANZO MAIGARI who had bragged ab initio of being the initiator of the Grazing Reserve idea in SK has received an initial fund of 104 million Naira to start his Grazing reserves in Kachia, Kagarko, Damau and Gayan! It is clear therefore that Dr Manzo Maigari has refused to listen to the voice of reason and has chosen the part of dishonour for his selfish and pecuniary reasons!
He has dared our collective resolve! And we shall not forget!
So help us God!" - Vincent Bodam

This talk about Maigari single-handedly initiating the idea is a ruse. It is a dummy SK must be very wary of buying because it was calculated to have us hunting for Maigari while the real culprit, Governor El-Rufai, sits pretty on his smug ass at Sir Kashim Ibrahim House to watch and enjoy the show.

This is because Maigari has no power of his own except that given to him by his boss. There was no way in hell that Maigari can single-handedly initiate a programme that is gulping even a million naira, not to mention over hundred of millions of naira from the capitalist El-Rufai as a mare commissioner that he is. Maigari is simply a helpless lackey I feel only pity for. He is cut between impressing his boss and securing the wrath of his people. Refusing to impress his boss comes with consequences, incuring the wrath of his people doesn't. Maigari has made his calculations, and correctly too, that it is better to avoid the whips of the governor than mare expressions of displeasure from contemporaries among his people.

It is helpless and 'will-less' people like Dr Manzo Maigari that some of our own in SK are telling us to support. These people talk as if these our people in government have any will of their own. Supporting them is the same as supporting El-Rufai. It is the same as supporting the demolition of Gbagyi Villa. It is the same as supporting the herdsmen attack against helpless villagers. It is the same as supporting the takeover of Chikun, Kagarko, Kajuru, Kachia, etc from the natives and given to settlers. Let them go on and continue supporting such lackeys, as well as all their anti-SK and Islamic policies all they want - they will return to find us here still resisting the beast and his worshippers calling him a god and telling him he can do anything in Sir Kashim Ibrahim, as we have sworn in our baptismal vows to reject satan and all his ways.

The problem with such people is, they listen to issues of fairness and justice alot. They think Satan is interested in Justice and they believe we have to be fair to Judas and Lucifer because Judas fulfilled a prophesy and Lucifer was cast from heaven by the will of the Most high. Since one is a prophesy and the other a will, they believe we have to be fair to both.

El-Rufai and his minions are evil wind that blow nobody no good. Even though such people are hoping to find fresh air in the El-Rufai's destructive wind, we will continue to resist the tornado for a gentle breeze.

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