BIAFRA ; The First Protest that Truly Worked

Yesterday the Igbos made a loud statement. A statement silently driven by the self-will of a people. They proved to Nigeria and the world that Nnamdi Kanu is still popular and that in this modern times, a loud protest can be done silently.

They closed down their shops and business to commentate their cause and Nigeria felt their absence. She felt their silence and it was louder than their noises.

I think the president should listen to this people. I think a more diplomatic means should be employed to resolve their yearnings. Brute force and intimidation can only solve a problem momentarily. If brute force was so effective, we won’t have terrorists anymore on this planet.
Wisdom is needed more than might.

Nigeria had a chance to make young Igbos Nigerians. Young Igbos who only heard of the war and never witnessed it. They had that chance for decades but failed to use the opportunity wisely. I hope they do not completely throw away this opportunity with the arrogance that this present government fuses over the resolution of the yearnings of a people.

Time to act right is now. A nation is not the foundations of its tallest buildings nor the landmass of its geo locations. It is the mindset of a people who have resolved to live as an entity. It is the internal strength forged by the collective will of the people to defend their territory, promote their heritage and advance the livelihood of their generations present and unborn. Until we achieve this, we have no nation.

President Buhari must prove to Nigerians that everyone, every tribe, every religion is a part of the 100% that makes up this country. He must show in totality that there is no 95% and 5%. Without this, again we are only an entrapment defined by a landmass and not by the collective will of the people;a failed state.
May we find a common ground to define our union as an entity and as a people sooner.
Comrade Phils

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