DSS Declaring Mrs. Nnamdi Kanu Wanted, A big Joke – IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) world­wide has described the inclusion of Mrs Uchechi Okwu Kanu, the wife of its leader and Director of Radio Biafra, Mr Nnamdi Kanu and the name of its Media and Publicity Secretary’s in the DSS’s wanted list as a big joke.

IPOB in a statement signed by Emma Pow­erful, said the “DSS has just confirmed to the world that all the al­legations of intimida­tion and harassment of IPOB members and non-members and the threat to the life of Mr Kanu and members of his family and friends with the list of the people they release as wanted by them.
The statement reads:
“We are disappointed with DSS for confirm­ing to the world that what we have told the world about their in­timidation, harassment and threat to the life of our leader, Mr Kanu and members of his family and IPOB mem­bers, is incontrovert­ible, with the inclusion of Mrs Uchechi Okwu Kanu the wife of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and that of Com­rade Emma Powerful the Media and Public­ity Secretary of IPOB in their wanted list”.
“It is unfortunate that the DSS has lost its in­tegrity in Nigeria with the case of Mr Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB, a once respected intelligence security outfit has de­cided to sell its pride just to convict Mr Kanu and humiliate IPOB members which they have not succeeded in doing instead, their popularity keeps go­ing down on daily basis with each step taken against Mr Kanu and IPOB.
“The DSS should have known that the IPOB worldwide is a non-violent organisa­tion that has been agi­tating for the actualisa­tion of Biafra without violence, nobody will ever make of to drop our agitation towards the liberation of our people of Biafra.
“The Nigerian gov­ernment should emu­late the Spain govern­ment and its security agencies who allowed millions of Catalonia’s to come out on the streets of Catalan and Spain to protest against injustice against them in Spain on the 12th September 2016.
“Catalonia’s in Spain protested, chanted and flew their flag for their own separate country and no security agents arrested or killed any unarmed civilians dur­ing the peaceful pro­tests in Spain, this is how civilised society behaves not so barbaric and wicked like is done in Nigeria by security agents.”
IPOB noted that the Spanish govern­ment did not declare or pencil anybody in the wanted list because they are protesting for their freedom, this ac­cording to the group is how the civilised so­ciety behaves because they have a full knowl­edge of self-determina­tion means and what the rule of law says about such issues.

IPOB, however, called on international community, the well-meaning world lead­ers like Vladimir Putin of Russia, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Angela Merkel of Ger­many, the French Presi­dent, the American government to call Ni­geria government and its security agents to order

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