An open Letter to Hon. Nuhu Goro Shadalafiya Kaduna state House of Assembly. - By Steven Kefas

Read The Letter Below...

6th October, 2016
Hon. Nuhu Goro Shadalafiya
Kaduna state House of Assembly,
Lugard Hall,

Dear Sir,

It's been 116 days since I wrote you my first open letter which I confirmed you received both in print and electronic copies, when some of your apologists put calls to me to that effect. One would have thought that by now certain issues raised in that letter should have been given due attention. Unfortunately, instead of working hard to turn the tide for good,  you employed your apologists to cast aspersions on me. Let me assure you, Sir, that I shall neither retreat nor surrender until a better and quality representation is achieved for the good people of the constituency you represent.

I promise to be brief and precise this time around.

Sir, I will appreciate it if you could help throw more light on the following grey areas:

1. Constituency allowance: since you assumed office as our representative, reports and personal investigations have shown that there is no single constituency project ongoing or completed to justify the huge allocations to your office for projects in our constituency.

I wish to ask, has the state government stopped allocating funds for the constituency projects? Kindly furnish me/us with the information as to such stoppage and provide verifiable evidences for follow ups.

2. Sir, is this the representation you promised us prior to the elections or have you also joined the bandwagon of folks who have publicly and shamelessly reneged on their campaign promises?

It is amazing how you have forgotten in a hurry how your predecessor was disgracefully kicked out of the same office you now occupy. If I were you I would do things differently to avoid the wrath of the electorates.

Furthermore, I wish to remind you, just in case you have forgotten, that 2019 is just by the corner and the electorates are more informed now than ever to kick out underperforming legislators; and I am afraid, continuing at this pace, you are unlikely to rise above the bar.

I wish you the best and hope to see significant and noticeable difference in the coming months.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely
Steven Kefas Kenyi.

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