Electoral Reform or Disenfranchisement Strategies By George Makeri

It is glaring that the government is a heap of confusion. Setting a committee on electoral reforms where an earlier approved Justice Uwais report is yet to be implemented shows the wastage of government and the imprudent use of time and resources.

If I were to rate INEC based on Edo election, I will rechristen the commission to FCNEC, meaning Family and Cronies National Electoral Commission. This is because INEC lost it socalled independence when its leadership becomes the exclusive preserve of the Buhari family and cronies and prone to compromise. Election didn't hold in Edo.
What held in Edo was a smokescreen to make it appear as if people voted in their leaders. It is such shams that make the Nigerian populace to lose faith in the electoral process and force people back into their cocoons for the people know they have robbers as leaders who have robbed their rights to choose or change leaders. The Buhari family is almost turning our democracy to a monarchy.
 This is evident from the mass mobilisation of his family members to the UNGA, the way his daughter Zarah sat on the number one seat to grant interview on an international TV etc. Any electoral reforms by the Buhari government is simply a ploy to strip the people further of their power and rights. It will be a reform geared to discriminate and disenfranchise more Nigerians, and perhaps give voting rights only to those that will ensure the perpetuation of oppression of a bulk of the Nigerian populace.

The problem however is not all of the above listed facts. The problem is how Buhari will ruthlessly exploit ethnic cum religious sentiments as well as the government induced hunger and deprivation to hide all his sinister strategies against the Nigerian populace. Since the north is a sucker for religion and the south a sucker for hunger, PMB has got everyone by the balls and ready to snatch even the last vestige of hope and freedom - the people's power.


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