Joanne Ahmadu: Joanne is a native of Ham born into the clan of Jingwom in kwoi, through Mr $ Mrs Ahmadu Yem Suman.

 She is the only daughter amidst two brothers namely Samuel $ Jeremiah Yem, blessed with a beautiful daughter called Comfort.Her primary education started from BEC international $ ended at LGEA Aliyu Makama in 1989.

 She proceeded to Queen Amina College kaduna $ graduated in 1995, after which she studied Business admin @ Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic Zaria 2002,also had an NCE cert from Ekere Ekiti where she studied English $ social studies.
 Also had a diploma in Baking $ Confectionery . She also have various skills $ talents which includes dancing,singing $ acting. Her passion for singing was from church in childhood days, it was recorded that b4 the age of 10 she was conducting the children's choir of Godiya Baptist church in the early 80's.Her passion for singing came as a result of her love for God in praise $  worship,which is the healing balm of pain $ sorrow in the hearts of people. Her first out break as a dancer was the performance she was featured by Mike Aribi in his popular album titled "Fitsha" the music exposed the dance talent in her to lamb light in 2004. Music $ dance are soul lifting $ she derive pleasure $ satisfaction doing them. She see music as a great career with the major goal of inspiring souls.

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